Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sweet Pollution!

Sweet Pollution Processing Sketch
When we see candy we only think about their sweet flavors they bring to our mouth, and maybe not imagine that something so small might also be behind the cases of lung diseases, asthma or infections. The data base I picked gave me access to information of the uses of three different chemicals (NOx, VOCs and Particulate matter) at confectioneries in Toronto. I was very surprised of the amount of chemicals that are used, and released to the air by these, and I didn't focus directly on the companies but on the candies they produce.

Some representations can be "shared" when the same amount of chemicals is the same in different uses! 
I believe the idea of candy and chemicals gives an element of contradiction to the work, and a happy color scheme would make it more effective since candy are seen as harmless and innocent. At the same time, I was told about this board game called “Candy Land,” which inspired me on the layout of the each section in the info-graphic  There are also characters that might look innocent at first, but when you come near them they     take their real form.

Chemicals and uses are represented with different colors
Another element that I aimed for was originality. Instead of spreading candy around the graphics, I liked the idea of having the candy being the actual graphic so it would not be complicated to understand which types of candies are behind the spread of these chemicals into the air, and which of these are used in their production. The chemicals and their uses are distinguished with colors  in this way it would be easier to differentiate one chemical or use from the others.

Click and hold on this character will display info about the sketch
At last but not least I added a bit of interactivity, which I thought it would add more fun into the work. The viewer would be intrigued to know more about each chemical by clicking on some of the characters around the sketch. 
In overall I had a lot of fun making every section, and adding different details like in “Candy Land.” If you have a chance to play it then you will notice that there is delicious candy everywhere!


All information about each chemical was found in the database used:

Toronto Open. "Chemical Tracking (Chem Track)", last modified June 30,2011. Accessed January 19,2013, http://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/open_data/open_data_item_details?vgnextoid=9fb5c3dccb8c8310VgnVCM1000003dd60f89RCRD&vgnextchannel=6e886aa8cc819210VgnVCM10000067d60f89RCRD

Wikipedia."Candy Land." Accessed February 5th, 2013. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candy_Land


Cupcake Connection. "Smarties png". Accessed February 10,2013. http://www.cupcakeconnexion.co.za/services.cfm

New Business Start-ups. "Smarties Cartoon." http://www.dna-accountants.co.uk/new-business-start-up.cfm

Tu Mundo PNG. "Lollipops." Accessed February 10,2013. http://tumundopnggratis.blogspot.ca/2012/08/paletas-png.html

Toons 4biz. "Cartoon Chocolate." Accessed February 11,2013. http://www.toons4biz.com/Cartoon-Chocolate-Bar-Graphic-Clip-Art-s/252.htm

Xochi. Info. "Jelly-Flower." Accessed February 11,2013. http://xochi.info/art/svg/flowers/jelly-flower-xochi-info-flowers-svg-youtube-facebook-linkedin-twitter-google-and-pinterest/

Images Wikia. "Hombre Gelatina." Accessed February 11,2013. http://images.wikia.com/horadeaventura/es/images/0/0c/Hombre_gelatina.png 

Life Fitness For Seniors. "Jello." Accessed February 11,2013. http://www.lifefitnessforseniors.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/rugby471_Tango_Style_Red_Jelly1.png 

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