The name is Mauricio Galvez, known by many as Mauri or Mauro. The reason I took this course was not solely because I need it towards my degree, I had some other choices; but because I wanted to get a glance to learn about the use of databases not only as a means of organization but also for art and other aspects. In terms of data visualization well pretty much you can see it everywhere nowadays, even in sites like reddit or 9gag where people would create graphs representing any hot topics that might be going around. With data visualization we can see a representation of data that can be more understandable than having chunks of numbers or text. In terms of data art, well in my previous courses I have been introduced into different ways to transform data into something else than numbers! Data art, I think it's something of its own kind since it takes simple structures of information and converts them into abstract and/or complex systems (we could call), and also gives another perspective of the data that those systems represents in a way that makes consider different aspects of the topic being portrayed.
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